(A.3) Archive Material

Court of Appeal gives Campaign green light
Webmaster's apology - 11/6/99

September 1998:


We did it! On 2nd September three judges of the Court of Appeal decided unanimously that there should be a full judicial review of Bromley Council's scheme to put a huge commercial development in Crystal Palace Park. If Crystal Palace Campaign's challenge succeeds, the planning permission for the scheme will be declared null and void. Bromley's officers have publicly stated that the legal challenge is without foundation. They have been proved wrong. The Campaign marches on.

Webmaster's Apology - 11/6/99

APOLOGIES (and thanks) from the Webmaster:

not so much a webmaster as a webmouse, at least in so far as answering e-mails is concerned. For reasons best known to that great computer bug in the sky, my replies have been going astray - for which apologies! I think I've cracked the problem, so don't give up hope we / I am still here. Also, please remember that accurate e-mail addresses are essential for me to be able to reply at all.

I want to add a general thank you to all the encouraging letters and offers of help we have received from site visitors. They are much appreciated by the campaign workers who see and act on most of them.

Thanks again,

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Last updated 11/7/99