(A28-archive) How you can help


Funds are always needed to cover the ongoing costs of newsletters, general leaflets, press releases, production of other materials (e.g. videos) etc. and to cover further legal action against Bromley.

Often material items (like the video) are self-financing but most require, at least, an initial outlay. Sometimes we pay out money to graphic artists, film makers and of course hired-in legal people. People who regularly work on the campaign do not charge any fee and give their time and effort free and willingly!

Donations (make cheques payable to The Crystal Palace Campaign) can be sent by post to:

The Hon. Secretary
Crystal Palace Campaign,
33 Hogarth Court,
Fountain Drive,
London SE19 1UY, United Kingdom


If you would like to help on the Campaign - from delivering newsletters to running our human resources section - please contact us and let us know when you're available.

If you're retired or not currently working, your particular skills may be just what we need.

Street co-ordinators: We want one in every street to spread Campaign information, fund-raise, get signatures to the petitions, organise street meetings and show the Campaign's video. Please let us know if you would like to be a co-ordinator for your street.


We are not adding any further names to this petition.
The final number of signatories was about 40,000.

Further contacts - list of Campaign addresses - see Contacts

Last updated 1/12/99;24/6/02;17/10/02