(A32) Stakeholders' Dialogue Process - HOME page notes (archived 23 August 2010)


Short report & update:
Recent meetings have pointed to some interesting developments in the Master-planning-consultation process which is rapidly moving forward:Capel Manor College - planning application was made to Bromley Council on 20 February 2007 and is due to be heard in April.The case number is: 07/00665/FULL1
Crystal Palace Park
Thicket Road
London Access to details is is via the Bromley website, Planning section.The main campus of the College at Enfield was visited by members of the Park Working Group in January to take a look at their facilities*. The overall impression was very good and virtually everyone agreed that Capel Manor College, including the animals, would be a welcome addition to the Park. They symbolise excellence in their education activities with students who, as demonstrated at Enfield, are responsible and more than capable of fulfilling a complex set of requirements. The LDA will be providing a funding package which enables Capel manor to

(1) open the farm to the public, without charge, for a minimum of 3 to 4 hours on weekends and 2 to 3 hours on weekdays for an average of 5 to 6 days a week. Visting times will vary according to season.
(2) provide day visits for up to 3,000 schoolchildren a year to the farm (at no charge to the schools).
(3) provide enhanced facilities for visitors to the farm and a wider range of animals than that originally planned i.e. Kune Kune pigs, goats, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens, hamsters, gerbils, degus, chinchillas, parakeets, finches, snakes, small lizards, amphibians, alpacas, Shetland ponies.

Capel Manor will be running an afternoon exhibition and Q&A session at the old farm site in the park:DATE: 17 March 2007
TIME: 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
VENUE: Old farm siteMuseum - a full time Museum Development Officer has been appointed and has started work with the museum trustees and other interested parties in developing a plan for the future of the Museum. Naturally, this work will be closely tied to the overall Park plan.Crystal Palace Station - Turnstiles - Bromley Council have approved plans by the LDA and work is expected to begin shortly after the Easter holidays. The ugly concrete turnstiles will be demolished and replaced by a "simple functional landscaped area" which will provide an attractive and friendly entrance to the Park - no longer hidden behind steel bars and concrete. This scheme will be one of the first of a series of initial improvements to the park ahead of the formal masterplan.Public Workshop - the second public workshop on the future of Crystal Palace Park will be held as follows:DATE: Saturday 17th March 2007
TIME: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (lunch provided)

VENUE: Sydenham High School, 19 Westwood Hill, Sydenham SE26 6BL

Park News - the third edition of Park News has been distributed widely around the park neighbourhood. It contains all the latest news concerning the progress of plans for the park, park events and much else.-----*This was reported at the Main Group Meeting of 10th March 2007. The full minutes of this meeting are not yet completed but will be found on the LDA website**. As well as the Main Dialogue Group Minutes, you will also find there minutes of the Park Working Group, the Sports Working Group and the Museum Task Group.

**The LDA website is temporarily out of order....(August 2010)


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8/1/2009 Last Updated 8/1/2009 archived 23/08/10 - irrelevant information removed.