Also known as Crystal Palace Dialogue, Stakeholders' Forum, Dialogue Process etc...

The Stakeholders' Process was initiated by the Crystal Palace Campaign in June 2002 but was run by an independent facilitator, Nigel Westaway and Associates now with help from the Environment Council and sponsored by the London Development Association (LDA).

The Stakeholders' Process consists of three bodies:

The Main Group - a broadly based body, essentially the 'controlling' forum to which two other working groups report. The Main Group has all the stakeholders as its members, including local councils, representatives from the Mayor's Office and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (Tessa Jowel is the current DCMS Secretary of State and Olympics Minister), sports representatives etc. and some individual residents.

The Park Working Group - small distillation from the Main Group conducting regular detailed meetings investigating, park policy, park changes, criteria for park improvements, regeneration plans, inter-stakeholders' liaison, including the LDA, English Heritage, The Crystal Palace Museum, the amenity groups, residents associations etc. This group is guided by and reports back to the Main group.

The Sports Working Group - concentrates on sport in the park including plans for a new sports centre, now believed to be scheduled for 2014. This group reports back to the Park Working Group with which it has a close liaison.

MAIN GROUP MEETING 14 October 2006: people are formally invited to participate who have essentially been part of the process since its inception. This includes many local groups and also individual residents. However, anyone may attend as an observer, but please contact the organisers first - this aids catering, and general organisation: contact: Erica Sutton, at The Environment Council (TEC).


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4/10/06 Last Updated 4/10/06;19/11/06;16/1/07