Unitary Development Plan (First Deposit Draft)
New Threat from Bromley
Bromley Council has just published its Unitary Development Plan (UDP). It amounts to a declaration of war on the Crystal Palace community. But the Crystal Palace Campaign is objecting to the Plan. The objections will be heard at a public inquiry, the first time in four years that our opposition to Bromley will be independently assessed.
The Plan, if not overruled, will govern all planning applications in Bromley for the next 10 years. It:
Until now, the whole Park has been designated Metropolitan Open Land, which gives it the same protection as Green Belt. Bromley's proposals strip away that protection. They mean that even if the multiplex is defeated, the Park will be a sitting duck for major development forever.
Copies of the UDP can be obtained free of charge from Bromley on 0208 313 4730 or can be read in local libraries.
Objections to Bromley's Unitary Development Plan
What is a Unitary Development Plan?
It is a book of planning policies for the borough in general and for specific sites within the Borough.
What effect does it have?
Decisions on planning applications are taken in accordance with the Plan. It is very hard to object to any proposal which complies with the Plan. It is equally hard to get permission for a development which doesn't.
What does the Plan say about Crystal Palace Park?
The Plan strips away Metropolitan Open Land protection for the top-site, while designating it as "disused land" ripe for "mixed uses" for "leisure and recreational development in conjunction with the bus station." It also designates the National Sports Centre a "major developed site".
What is the problem?
Unless the Plan is changed, then huge commercial development can be expected in the Park. Even if we defeat the multiplex proposal, Bromley will propose another development in accordance with the Plan, which will be very hard to resist.
What is the Campaign doing about it?
Objecting. Our objection will be heard at a public inquiry by an independent Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State.
What can I do about it?
Act now, object! - write before the deadline 10 May 2001.
The Chief Planner,
Bromley Civic Centre,
Stockwell Close,
Bromley BR1 3UH,
You should object to Site Proposals 8 and 9 and to Policy G2. The reasons for the objection are that both the top-site and the Sports Centre should stay Metropolitan Open Land and should not have their protection eroded by designation as development site. Also, the kind of development proposed for the top-site is completely out of keeping with the historic nature of the site and its residential surroundings, and fails to take into account the widespread objection to development of this nature.
Will I have to speak at a public inquiry?
No. Not if you don't want to. But if you do object in writing then you have the right to do so.
If others are objecting, then why should I do so as well?
Because it is important that the breadth of the objection is understood by the Inspector. Over 600 people objected to the developer's licensing application, which made a big impact on the Court. We hope to make a simlar impact on the UDP Inquiry. Provided that we defeat the multiplex, then a victory at the UDP Inquiry will give the Park the long term protection from Bromley that it obviously needs.
You can also e-mail if you wish to: udp@bromley.gov.uk
or fax: 020 - 8313 0095
A small version of the map of Crystal Palace Park in Bromley's UDP document. Listed under "Schedule of Proposal Sites" (page 163) "8: National Sports Centre, Crystal Palace Park: To redevelop and refurbish existing facilities to meet growing demand, in accordance with Government policy on Major Developed Sites. "9: Crystal Palace Park, 'Disused Land': To provide leisure and recreational development, with associated food and drink premises, in conjunction with the existing bus station." But... read the above notes. |
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6/4/01 Last Updated 6/4/01;1/5/01;3/5/01(e-mail added); map 9/5/01;corrected title to fist deposit