This index contains links to material mainly taken from the "What's New" section of the front page and placed in a, more or less, subject order. It is not fully comprehensive in that most material dates from 2000 onwards. Comprehensive lists
are to be found from the indexes shown on the home page. |
2001 matters (inc.
CPC meeting) Trees
- Felling, February 2001
Brief update 27/07/00: Bromley Council has replied (we think inadequately) to our letter of claim. The matter is "under consideration". Top; Contents
Bromley Council today (Friday 11th May 2001) announced it was scrapping the massively opposed Crystal Palace Park multiplex and terminating its agreement with London & Regional Properties Ltd.
FULL TEXT - Planning Policy Guidance 16 - Archaeology and Planning - see if you can spot any section which Bromley Council has followed in full and in the spirit of the guidance??
Single Regeneration Budget - Bromley Council's claims scrutinised.
eMail from Capel Manor added to "Brief History" 14/7/07
Bromley Report for 19th July Plans Sub
Committee No 3 meeting: Good News
Short Report of Council
Meeting - Capel Manor's position
upheld- good news(again)!
Capel Manor College - headquarters at
Enfield; PWG visit February 2007
Capel Manor College - at Crystal Palace
Park; PWG visit February 2008
CONSULTATION ON THE PARK (9/11/04): Now that the Park exhibiton is over (18 - 26 September 2004 and closing date for comments: 11th October 2004 ), what is next? Nigel Westaway, facilitator in the dialogue process and the person who will do the analysis of responses, said that"...it was very successful, with a total of nearly 2,500 (mostly local) people through the exhibition and 2,700 written responses. The youth age group was, predictably, under-represented but otherwise gender, age and ethnicity was pretty well balanced. The atmosphere was for the most part very positive."
It is expected that results will be presented to the working groups in the dialogue process in October (done). The Main Working Group, meeting planned for 4 December 2004, will see the final analysis.
Crystal Palace Building - Hyde Park (& Exhibition 1851)
Crystal Palace Building - Sydenham
Environmental Impact Assessment
Licensing hearing - brief news! - Results of hearing 30 November 2000 - Full judgement
Mayoral Debate London 2000 etc
Olympic bid - London 2012 - Other Sports
The bid to hold the Olympic Games in London in 2012 may have profound effects on Crystal Palace Park. It is a prime athletics venue, currently in need of renovation but which may play an essential part in the strategy for defining training and competitive venues. We will of course watch how the bid proceeds over the next couple of years and hope that the fallout will help improve our Park as well as athletics in the UK in general and London in particular.
Policy Planning Guidelines/Archaeology
Stakeholders Forum - dialogue process
- Phase 1 work
Felling - Top Site (February 2001)
Important News: As of today 18 March 2001, the trees are still standing. Here's why - see "Bromley cave in over Crystal palace trees".
TREES IN PERIL: Campaign Bulletin 20 January 2001 (see letters list below)
A secret plan to cut down over 120 trees on the proposed Crystal Palace multiplex site, and alongside the Parade and behind the bus terminus, has been disclosed to the Crystal Palace Campaign. The plan is to carry out the felling operation within four hours one Sunday before the nesting season begins at the end of February. This is quite separate from the felling already done in the Park &endash; which offended many local residents.
The Campaign has intervened with both Bromley Council and multiplex developer London & Regional Properties Ltd to get the plan halted. Not only would the felling prejudice proceedings still underway before the Appeal Court, it would also be in defiance of the full European Commission, which has entered the case. The UK government is in the course of replying to the EC which found that Bromley's failure to require an Environmental Impact Assessment prior to granting planning permission did not comply with a European Directive, binding in UK law.
However there is no guarantee that contractors' plans will be stopped. If the felling were to be attempted we would alert all our supporters to get to the top-site and show their opposition. We will post updates on our website and our telephone helpline which is:
LETTERS re: TREES - between the Crystal Palace Campaign and others:
FROM TO DATE CLICK Walter Million Crystal Palace Campaign
(CPC) 14 October 1998 Crystal Palace Campaign
(CPC) Walter Million, Borough
Secretary, Bromley Council 19 January 2001 Crystal Palace Campaign
(CPC) Geoffrey Springer,
Director, London & Regional Properties Ltd. 19 January 2001 Walter Million Crystal Palace Campaign
(CPC) 22 January 2001 Crystal Palace Campaign
(CPC) Walter Million 25 January 2001 Crystal Palace Campaign
(CPC) Geoffrey
Springer 26 January 2001 Chairman of the Leisure
and Community Services Committee (Bromley) Nick Goy, CPC 25 & 29 January
2001 Walter Million Philip Kolvin 31 January 2001 Philip Kolvin (CPC
Chairman) Alan Gray (Divisional
Manager, Planning Directorate, DETR) 1 February 2001 Alan Gray Philip Kolvin 2 February 2001 The Court of
Appeal Diane Barker 2 February 2001 Walter Million Rt. Hon. Tessa
Jowell 6 February 2001 Jean Lambert
MEP John Prescott
MP 8 February 2001 Rt Hon Tessa Jowell
MP Walter Million 9 February 2001 Walter Million Rt Hon Tessa Jowell
MP 12 February
Architecture - what happens
when approval is given to plans for a building and it's then
completed by other architects or developers with markedly different
results from those expected - Radio 4 report, 10 March 2001;
press release 11/3/01
Unitary Development Plan - 2003/2004
Unitary Development Plan - 2002
Second Deposit Draft (October 2002) - further notes
The deadline for submissions to Bromley Council was - 31 October 2002.
We have included some details which might help with your submission (Item 1) and we have included our first submission (Item 3) to provide some background information. See also Item 2, from the first round of objections, for additional notes. If there are still queries, there is contact information in Item 1:
- Unitary Development Plan (Second Deposit Draft)- Objections, October 2002
- Some background information (First Deposit Draft)
- Original Campaign submission, May 2001
The first item contains a table setting out our principal concerns - this table is also available in printable (.pdf) form from that page. This might be used as you wish or even included with your own comments added.
Unitary Development Plan - 2001
There have been many expressions of delight and congratulations both from people we met at the recent park events and sent in to the Crystal Palace Campaign. Your comments have been exhilirating, touching and joyous.
Here's one example "YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The hard work put in by so many people has finally born fruit, but the end-game is just beginning. We do take very seriously some misgivings mentioned in your notes. Rest assured, the Campaign goes on until we have secured the future of Crystal Palace Park. Watch your website for developments as they unfold in the coming months.
Webmaster (21/5/01)
"Local Politicians, Public Meeting" 21 April 2001
Tessa Jowell said:
"I would like to join the others who have spoken so far this morning in doing two things. First of all in thanking the Crystal Palace Campaign for organising this meeting, but also paying tribute to the Crystal Palace Campaign for their dogged determination to persist, often in the face of all the odds and dispiriting, disappointment. You lose a court case, you pick yourself up, you keep on going and it is absolutely clear to me that it has been the presence of the Crystal Palace Campaign that is the principle reason why not one brick has yet been laid on the Crystal Palace site." (applause)
We want to register the top-site at Crystal Palace as a village green. To do so we need to prove that it has been used by the public as of right for recreational purposes for at least 20 years. If we succeed, the cinema multiplex cannot be built on the site.
We have stopped our request for information for now ->->->->->->->->->
Brief update 27/07/00: Village Green matters are with our solicitors.
28/12/00 - Thanks go to the tremendous response from the many people who took the time to provide the material we requested. The matter is still under consideration but, at least for now , we need no further "witnesses" since we have all the information we require. Hopefully there may be an appropriate time to put in our application in the coming year - we will keep you all informed.
Thanks to Lorna English who helped collate and keep track of the responses.
created: 1 Jan 2001: Last updated 26/1/01;9/2/01 small fix TOP;8/7/01;23/6/02;10/10/02;7/11/02;4/3/03;2/5/03;5/6/03;21/6/03;31/10/03;15/11/03;17/11/03;7/12/03;10/12/03;6/1/04;12/1/04;23/1/04(sp);1/2/04;10/2/04;16/2/04; 24/2/04;16/3/4;15/4/04;17/4/04;21/7/04;6/8/04;30;8;04;9/11/04;1/7/05;16/10/05;13/12/05; 28/2/06;8/5/06;9/5/06;10/05/06;20/05/06;6/7/06;14/7/06; 4 Oct 06(moved stakeholders' page);6/12/06;22/10/07;4/12/2007;12/2/08;1/2/09